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Children’s Dental Care Parramatta

Tooth decay is one of childhood’s most common diseases. Fortunately, with preventative and professional care, your child can enjoy healthy teeth in the years ahead.

Showing little girl how to brushIf your child is two years of age or older, plan to bring them in for six-monthly checkups. These early, frequent visits help

  • Minimise dental phobia
  • Promote healthy oral development
  • Allow us to intercept problems earlier
  • Minimise the risk of decay and gum disease
  • Reduce the risk of emergencies

Working at Your Child’s Pace

As we professionally clean and polish your child’s teeth, we’ll also educate them on how to care for their smile independently. We aim to keep your child comfortable, ensuring their visits with our family dentist are something they consider positive and upbeat. Should they need any treatment, we will be able to provide care while issues are smaller and simpler to correct.

Early Orthodontic Screenings

By the time your child is 7 or 8 years old, we will want to check to see if their tooth eruption patterns are normal and healthy. If there are growth concerns, we can make appropriate recommendations at that time. Our practice offers in-house orthodontics, reducing the need for outside referrals.

Treatments Offered

We provide a wide range of preventative services including fissure sealants and fluoride, to help reduce your child’s risk of tooth decay. But should your child have a cavity and be comfortable in the dental office, we can also provide basic fillings and tooth removal (when appropriate).

Child Dental Benefits Scheme (CDBS)

If your family qualifies for Medicare, CDBS benefits can cover up to $1,132 in necessary dental expenses every two years. Coverage includes everything from fillings and fissure sealants to braces and extractions.

Request an Appointment

Early care gives your child a head start at having a healthy smile for life. Contact us today to schedule.

Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.


Children’s Dental Care in Parramatta NSW | (02) 9635 6888